Publishers Guidelines

Business Model

IP Innovative Publication Pvt. Ltd is a for-profit publisher of peer-reviewed journals in medical, dental, nursing, pharmacy, management, and other multidisciplinary subjects. We are specialized in the publication of open access journals and books. Innovative Publication was founded in 2011 as a subscription-based business model. Then started as Open Access business model in 2014, after getting lots of experiments in hybrid subscription including print and online publication. Later in 2017, it started as IP Innovative Publication Pvt. Ltd. Innovative has proven itself as a leading publisher in India and has now established its global presence in more than 20 countries worldwide.

IP Innovative is an Open Access (OA) publisher and receives the funds from the authors in the form of APC (Article Publishing Charges) i.e. used to support our editorial and publishing team, maintaining our website and platforms. The authors pay for the cost utilized with the publication of their articles, usually with the help of research grants or support from their academic institutions. On the other hand, we are publishing some society-based journals in which society is paying for managing the journals in which we are not charging any APC from authors. Innovative is committed to the Prevention of Digital journal on long-term archives in the context of the open-access model. Article publication charges levied on authors are the only source of income that is utilized in maintaining the administrative and print charges. Also, the very least part of revenue comes from advertisements and subscriptions. We would like to mention our annual revenue 1.25 crore rupees in the last financial year (2021-2022).

Innovative offers an Institutional membership program, Institutions pay a flat yearly subscription fee to the publisher, and in return scholars from that institutions can contribute articles without any APC. All journals are freely available online, while print editions are also available that can be purchased or subscribed. All subscription prices are available on the Website and these rates include printed copies of all articles published in a journal over a calendar year. In case of subscription related query or any queries while placing an order for the print edition, please contact us at Information and payment methods will be provided after your initial correspondence, you may visit Price Catalogue for subscription of journals and for more details visit Subscription Policy.

Open Access (OA)

Open access (OA) refers to free, unrestricted online access to research outputs such as journals, articles and books. OA content is open to all, with no restrictions and boundaries. The innovative Open Access policy has resulted in more than five thousand articles being downloaded daily from its wide spectrum of journals.

There are two main routes of making research outputs openly accessible. One involves publishing articles or books via the OA route on a publisher’s platform (often referred to as gold open access). The other involves archiving a version of the manuscript in an OA repository (often described as green open access). Content published via the gold OA route is accessible immediately after publication, while manuscripts deposited via the green OA route may, in many cases, be made accessible only once a self-archiving embargo period has elapsed. The terms for onward sharing and re-use of OA content will depend on the license under which it has been made available.

For reading our open access content, please visit our open access journals list

MPRP – Manuscript Peer-Review Process

MPRP – Manuscript Peer-Review Process is an inhouse software of IP Innovative which provides set of services to allow you to run your journal efficiently.  It includes two major aspects: journal pre-publication services and editorial services. We provide a high level of flexibility, so you can select the services you need and integrate your existing workflow. It provides smooth flow of all publication functions of an editorial office on a single independent platform, requires only web-based browser and internet connection.

Manuscript Peer-Review Process is the web-based manuscript submission and integration system, which is managed and operated by Innovative Publication and currently running 50+ Journals with MPRP.


MPRP integration and workflow are mentioned below:

  • Journal User Management (JMS)
  • Manuscript Submission System (MSS)
  • Journal Editorial Process (JEP)
  • APC and Invoicing Management (APC Management)
  • Integration with Researcher’s Profile, ORCID, Researcher ID, Scopus, PubMed, Google Scholar, etc.


MPRP integrates full production services including accepted papers for publication and returning a formatted PDF, and supporting all other work of the production procedures. It Ensures minimal delays between acceptances, ahead of print, proofreading, and final publication of the article.


For any details and queries, related to MPRP you can write us: and for help & support, can visit:

IP Online Digital Library Collection

IP Online is a digital Library Collection, which is providing creative, knowledge enhancing, innovative and collective collection of digital library and e-resources for students, researchers, academicians, scholars and libraries.

IP Online Journal is a collection of multidisciplinary National and International Journals, research publications in form of open access and paid e-books, e-journals, e-references, videos, etc. IP Online collection allow users to search, browse, knowledge sharing, search engine, digital archives, table of content alerts etc. It provides promotion of materials on a revenue-sharing basis, with no cost involvement on publisher parts. It provides online access of e-resources after subscribing any of our package. For more details about IP Online, Kindly visit:

Associated Societies and Publishing Partners

Our goal is to help educational institutions, societies, academic universities and various publishing organisations to serve as publishing partner. We provide our society and associate partners as pre-publication and post publication services for researcher community. Innovative main emphasis to promote research of any researcher globally, for the exchange of knowledge and ideas for the betterment of scientific community.

Visit for more details Societies and Publishing Partners

Crossmark Policy

Crossmark is a multi-publisher initiative or a platform for readers to quickly discover the status of research or locate the current version of a piece of content. Applying the CrossMark logo to our articles maintaining the content we publish and to alerting our readers to changes if and when they occur. Innovative publication is committed to serve researchers, librarians, and others in the academic community, and believes in the publishing quality content. Recognizing a published article as a finalized version of a record establishes the expectation that it can be relied upon as accurate, complete, and citable. Innovative defines this version of the record as the article paginated in a volume and issue or the initial article publication for open access journals (Open Access journals do not publish any additional version such as paginated issue/volume).

Clicking on the CrossMark logo in either the HTML or PDF will inform you of the current status of the document and will also provide additional publication record information when available.

Correction Policy

When issuing a correction we will update the HTML and PDF versions of an article to reflect the change. The correction services inform readers who have previously read or downloaded the article, and ensure that proper indexing is achieved. In addition to CrossMark, we include clear links between the article and its correction and append the correction to the article itself upon download of the article in PDF.


Retraction Policy

When an article is retracted it will remain accessible in both HTML and PDF formats with a clear indication that it was retracted on a specific date. In addition to CrossMark, we include clear links between the article and its retraction notice and appended the notice to the article itself upon download of the PDF. The notice clearly explains the reason for the retraction.

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

Editors Responsibilities

Publication Decisions: The editors are responsible for making decisions on a manuscript including acceptance, rejections, or modifications. In some instances, the editors may require multiple rounds of reviews and modifications. The editors should communicate review results within the timeframe and should always be ready to work on corrections, clarifications, retractions to maintain the integrity of the academic record.


Fair Review Process: The editor's decision to accept or reject a paper for publication should be based only on the paper’s importance, originality, clarity, and study relevance to the journal. The editor must ensure that each manuscript submitted to the journal is reviewed for its intellectual content without regard to the authors’ race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy. The decisions will be based on the paper's importance, originality, clarity, and relevance to the journal's scope.


Confidentiality: The editor and editorial staff always ensure that information regarding manuscripts submitted by the authors is kept confidential.


Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: The editor and members of the editorial board of the journal should contact the journal coordinator in case of any personal and professional conflicts. They should not use unpublished material disclosed in a submitted manuscript for his/her own research without the author’s explicit written consent.


Quality of published content: Editors should take all reasonable steps to ensure the quality of the material they publish, recognizing the journal and sections within journals with different aims and standards. Editors should not reverse their given decisions unless some serious problems are identified with the submission.


For more details about editor’s roles & responsibilities, kindly visit Editors Guidelines.


Authors Responsibilities

Authors must follow the submission guidelines of the journal and should follow the below mentioned rules & regulations:


  • All authors have to contribute significantly to the research and statements of all data in the articles and should ensure it as their real and authentic data. Authors must certify that the manuscript has not previously been published elsewhere. Authors should appropriately cite or quote the work and words of others. Authors sign a declaration stating that the manuscript and the illustrations within the paper are original, or that he/she has taken all necessary steps to avoid breach of copyright.


  • Authors must certify that the manuscript is not currently being considered for publication somewhere else. Submitting the same paper to more than one journal is very unethical publishing practice. All authors mentioned in the paper must have significantly contributed to the research. The author submitting the manuscript to the journal ensures that all contributing co-authors and no uninvolved person(s) are included in the author list.


  • Authors must notify the editors if have any conflicts of interest that may be construed to influence the manuscript. Authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes at any point in time if the author(s) discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in the submitted manuscript.


For more details about authors instructions, roles & responsibilities, kindly visit our Authors Guidelines.


Reviewers Responsibilities

Confidentiality: Reviewers must keep all manuscripts received for reviewing as confidential. Any manuscripts received for review are confidential documents and must be treated as such, they must not be shown to or discussed with others.

Objectives and Standards: Reviews should be conducted objectively. Personal criticism of the author is inappropriate.

Conflicts of Interest: Reviewers should not review manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, and other relationships or connections with any of the authors, associated institutions, and companies with the paper(s).

Promptness: in the event that a reviewer feels it is not possible for his/her to complete the review of the manuscript within the stipulated time he/she should notify the editor in a timely manner and withdraw from the review process.

Acknowledgment of Sources: Reviewers must ensure that authors have cited all relevant published work referred to the paper in the endnotes and bibliography. Reviewers will bring to the editors’ attention any substantial similarity or overlap between the manuscript and any other published or unpublished content. Authors should not use information obtained in the course of providing confidential services, such as refereeing manuscripts or grant applications unless they have obtained the explicit written permission of the author(s) of the work involved in the review.

Review evaluation: Reviewers evaluate manuscripts based on content without regard to the authors’ race, age, gender, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, religious belief, citizenship, political orientation, or social class.


Publisher Responsibilities

  • Publishers should provide training & support to the editor and executive editorial board, so they can follow the COPE Code of conduct for Journal and ensure the autonomy of editorial decisions and protect intellectual property copyright.
  • Always be willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when needed.
  • Maintain the integrity of the academic record and preclude business needs from compromising intellectual and ethical standards.
  • Committed to the permanent availability and preservation of scholarly research and ensures accessibility by partnering with organizations and maintaining our own digital archives CLOCKS
  • Ensure that good practice is maintained to the standards defined above.


We follow the latest Core Practice Guidelines for Editors, Reviewers, Authors, and Publishers as outlined by the COPE.

Advertising Policy

All advertisements appearing with Innovative Publication Journals are approved by the editorial office or the publisher. The publication of an advertisement does not constitute on the part of the journals or publisher a guarantee or endorsement of the quality or value of the advertisement. Advertise products or services of any representation or the claims by the advertiser is not affecting or influencing our readers. The publisher does not claim any responsibility to any injury, to ant person or property resulting from any ideas or products from the articles and advertisements. For advertisement related queries, you can contact us at

Apart from the print advertisement, we consider advertisements on the website, bulk subscriptions, gift subscriptions or reprint purchases for distribution etc. Our team will help you to identify and target the right audience. We offer a range of marketing solutions and deliver to your specification as print and digital formats.

Print advertising is an effective way to build brand awareness. Our research show that print is still highly valued by our expert audiences. Innovative publication give you targeted access to key experts in a variety of specialist fields in around 50 journals.

We offer how to achieve the maximum impact or to request a rate card / media kit for any of our journals. We offer various advertising option which include:


  1. Full colour or black and white display advertising in a variety of sizes
  2. Advance booking on special position.
  3. Selection of specific geographical regions
  4. Books marks, bound inserts, belly bands, banner, full size and paid cards or loose inserts.

Media Kit

Innovative Publication is offering Media Kit to help our clients to inform about price, size, and diversity of advertising options, including banners, sponsored emails, article alerts and newsletters about the advertise price very easily and efficiently. We provide our clients with the best customized marketing opportunities in the medical, dental, nursing and pharmacy subject category.

Our journals are indexed in esteemed databases and have wide readership that can provide you the best chance of showcasing your products/services, and branding your company.

If you are looking for a global exposer for your products and services, this is the right place for you. With over 7 million readers worldwide and nearly 500-800k hits in a month on our website, we have engaged an audience of students, research scholars, scientists, doctors, professors, pharmacists, and professionals from companies across the various domains. We maintain high quality and ethical standards of the publication industry, which make us unique in the market. If you sell research materials, pharmaceuticals, antibodies, clinical reagents, chemicals, instruments, or you are looking to recruit that next investigator, you have the opportunity to adverse on the website as well print version that can connect you to leading experts and science specialists across the Globe.

For any queries, related to advertisement, you can reach us by


Phone: Ph.: +91-11-61364114, 6136411

Cookies Policy

Cookies Policy

Innovative use cookies and other technologies to collection of information on the website. Collection of such information helps Innovative to browsing of the content, it enables us to improve the website, to promote trust and safety and to monitor the web page flow of the website.

If you disable or decline cookies, you may not be able to access some parts of the website, and some features may not function properly or be available to you. If you choose to accept our cookies, you can also delete such cookies later from your computer. If you delete the cookies, any settings and preferences controlled by those cookies will be deleted and will need to be re-created when you visit the website subsequently.

Innovative may track certain information regarding your use of the website through the use of JavaScript code etc. by using our website, you are agreeing to the provision set out in this Cookie Policy.

About cookies

Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information which are downloaded to your device when you visit a website. Cookies are then send back to the originating website on each subsequent visit, or to another website that recognises those cookies. You can find more about cookies at:

Information use of the website

When user visit innovative website for information purpose, i.e. without registering for any of our provided services listed under and without providing us with personal data in any other form, Innovative may automatically collect additional information about you which will contain personal data only in limited cases and which is automatically recognised by our server, such as:

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Innovative use such information only to assist us in providing an effective services, our website to need of your device or to permit you to log in to our website, and to collect broad demographic information for anonymised, aggregated use.

If you are identified by IP or equivalent method as belonging to a customer organisation such as university or a company then we will also collect the identity of that organisation and use it to crate usage reports which show the organization how much of the content we publish is being read by their students members or employees. This information does not contain anything related to a personal login unless you are a nominated administrator for that organisation or your organisation specifically requires it as a part of a usage-based access.


Cookies processing activity


We publish scholarly journal, books and e-resources as open access and its material is freely available; the following summary offers a quick overview of the data processing activities that are undertaken on our website.


Registration for our services


We provide access to subscription content in variety of mechanisms such as IP site licenses, login via third party, or by personal account with us, a personal account is required to purchases books and journals directly from us, or to receive personal services like newsletter and alerts. If you need to create a personal login with us then we will store and process the following:


  • Information (such as your name, user name and email address is provided at time of registration.
  • Information in connection with an account sign-in-facility
  • Communications send by you (e.g. via e-mail or website communication forms)


We will process the personal data you provided to:


  • Manage manuscript submissions;
  • Communicate with you;
  • Subscription of services,
  • Services and information offered via our website or which you request;
  • Provide access to other Innovative content if you request;
  • Request to recommend an Innovative books journal to your library;
  • Identify you at sign-in;
  • Registration at our web shop


You can object to the use of your personal data for direct marketing at any time. We will then refrain from any processing to the extent it is related to such purposes. You may opt-out of direct marketing via opt-out links in any marketing communication or via user profile pages on the website. You can inform us about your objection by contacting us at:


Further information about the processing of your personal data in the provider course of operation is provided by its privacy policy. Moreover, you will be provided with further information with regard to rights and settings concerning privacy. You can access the provider privacy policy by following the links:


Cookies Performance

Cookies Performance collect information about how you use our website, for example which pages you visit and if you experience any errors. These Cookies don’t collect any information that could identify you. All information collected is anonymous. We may use these Cookies to help us understand how you use the website and assess how well the website performs and how we could improve it for you. Our Cookies policy to discover which parts of the website interest you and measure how effective our advertising is.

  • Google __utmt – Used to throttle request rate.
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Contact us

Please submit any question, concerns or comments you have about this privacy policy or any requests concerning your personal data by email:, will be processed to handle your request and will be erased when your request is completed. We will restrict the processing of the respective information in accordance with statutory requirement.


Policy amendments

We reserve the right to change this policy from time to time by updating our website respectively. Visit the website and check our latest updates.


This policy was updated on 24/05/2021.

Digital Archiving

Digital archiving ensures the preservation and accessibility of digital content over time, safeguarding it from technological changes and data loss. At IP Innovative Publication, we prioritize the longevity and integrity of our journals by utilizing leading digital archiving services CLOCKSS and Portico.
By partnering with Portico and CLOCKSS, IP Innovative Publication ensures that our journals are securely preserved and remain accessible to researchers, educators, and the public, today and in the future.

Appeals and Complaints

The complaints should in the first instance be handled by the Editor-in-Chief(s) responsible for the journals and or the Editor who handled the paper. If they are the subject of the complaint please approach the in-house publishing contact. (Check the contact page on the journal homepage. If no publishing contact is identified send the query to

The complaint about scientific content, e.g. an appeal against the rejection


The Editor-in-Chief or handling editor considers the author's argument, the reviewer reports, and decides whether.

  • The decision to reject should stand:
  • Another independent option is required
  • The appeal should be considered.

The complainant is informed of the decision with an explanation if appropriate. The decision on appeals are final and new submission take priority over appeals.


The complaint about process, review time


The Editor-in-chief together with the handling editor and in-house contact will investigate the matter. The complainant will be given appropriate feedback. Feedback is provided to the relevant department to improve processes and procedures.


The complaint about publication ethic: Researcher’s, authors and reviewer’s

The Editor-in-chief or handling editor follows guidelines published by the Committee on Publication Ethics. The Editor-in-Chief or handling editor may ask the publisher via their in-house contact for advice on difficult or complicated cases. The Editor-in-chief or handling editor dissatisfied with the handling of their complaint, The author can submit the Publisher: Contact us.

Terms of Service

Terms of Service
These terms of service (Terms) set out the basis on which you may browse and use our website, available at and its subdomains and any services offered through it, including all related site which contains important information regarding the ways in which we collect and use your personal information in connection with our business.

The Site is owned and operated by IP Innovative Publication Private Limited, incorporated on this Twentieth day of January Two thousand seventeen under the Companies Act, 2013 and that the company is limited by shares. The Certificate of Incorporation (CIN) of the company is U22300DL2017PTC310844. Address of the registered office of the company Plot No. 3/2 & 3 & 4/2, 3rd floor, Block – A, Gulab Bagh, Nawada, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi – 110059, India.


Your use of the Site will be governed by these Terms, which serve as a legal contract between us and you. By browsing or using the site and/or any services, content or materials made available through the site you are agreeing to be legally bound by the Terms.

In these terms “Intellectual Property Rights” means any patents, registered and unregistered trade-marks and service marks, domain names, registered designs and design rights, copyright (including such rights in computer software and database), database rights and moral rights (in each case for the full period thereof and extensions, revivals and renewals thereof), applications for the foregoing and the right to apply for any of the foregoing anywhere in the world, and all similar rights anywhere in the world including those subsisting in inventions, designs, drawings and computer programs.

We reserve the right to change, modify, add or remove portions of these Terms of Use at any time and without prior notice, upon its sole discretion. Please check these Terms of Use from time to time for any modifications, read this policy carefully as it sets out what you can expect from us and gives you.

Data Protections

Data protection legislation gives you a number of rights to protect you against an organisation mishandling your personal information. It is important that you understand your rights and in these documents we have set out what those rights are and how you can exercise your right in respect of Innovative processing of your personal information.

Collection of personal information

Information provided by you to us - you may provide information to us when you are:


Manage manuscript submissions and Peer Review

Innovative Pre-publication and Peer Review system offers the services of peer review, content preparation and proofing, publication and dissemination of research. In order to use our above mentioned services you have to register and set up your account. Where optional paid services may be engaged, you will be prompted to set up an additional, or enhance existing account.


Manuscript submission and Peer Review
Our Submission and Peer Review System offers the services of peer review, content preparation and proofing, publication and dissemination of research. In order to use the aforementioned services you have to set up an initial account. Where optional paid services may be engaged, you will be prompted to set up an additional, or enhance an existing account. While registration of an account we process the following information.


·       Information that is provided at time of registration such as your name, user name, email address;

·       Set up with account with sign-in-facility, e.g. log-in information;

·       Content files and covering letters provided by you;

·       Grants, funding, membership, institution, society, committee registration etc.;

·       Billing and invoicing information

·       Corresponding with us by telephone, email, post or otherwise;


Communication with you in your capacity as a current or potential Peer Reviewer, Editorial Board Members, external Editor to provide information about the journal (s) and content you have worked on; you can stop these communications to you as a Peer Reviewer, Editorial Board Member or external Editor at any time by clicking the link in each email or contacting information centre at Stopping these communications will not affect your status as Peer Reviewer, Editorial Board Member with respect to the journal.

Create a profile of your publication record based on publicly available data, such as published books, e-books, manuscripts, citations and grants awarded. This information will not be used to determine article acceptance. In order to ensure the high quality of our journal and publications of the scientific research published, we have implemented a peer review procedure.

The information you give us may include your name, email address, mailing address, telephone number, financial or credit card details, academic institution, affiliation, job title, subject specialization etc.


Cookies Policies

When you visit our websites we automatically collect technical information from your computer or other device. We use small text files that are placed on your computer to give you the best possible experience when visiting our websites, as described in our global Cookies Policy which you can access here. You can disable cookies through your web browser's settings and still access our websites, although certain functionality may not be available to you in those circumstances.


We may track certain information regarding your use of the website through the use of JavaScript code etc. by using our website, you are agreeing to the provision set out in this Cookie Policy. We publish scholarly journals, books and e-resources as open access and its material is freely available; the following summary offers a quick overview of the data processing activities that are undertaken on our website.

Sharing information with third parties
We referred to this policy and relying on the bases for processing as set out above, we may share your personal information amongst businesses in Innovative Publishing, namely, IP Innovative Publication Private Limited, Innovative Publication and Innovative group which provide marketing support across the globe.

Innovative Publication may also share your personal information with our business partners who are providing a service to us.

Contact and marketing preferences

If you would like to update your details, including details of how you prefer to be contacted for marketing purposes, you can contact or write us an email to, and indicating your new preferences.

Sending postal mail to the following address:

Subscription and Marketing
IP Innovative Publication Pvt. Ltd.
A-2, Gulab Bagh, Nawada
Uttam Nagar,
New Delhi – 110059

If you wish to unsubscribe from marketing and subscription emails from Innovative you can do so


We will handle your request and will be erased when your request is completed. Alternatively, we will restrict the processing of the respective information in accordance with statutory retention requirements.

Keeping your information record
We retain your personal information for as long as necessary to finalize any transaction with you, we will normally retain your information for 5 years after your last recorded interaction with Innovative, although there may be exceptions to this.


Acceptance of these terms

 By using this Site, you signify your acceptance of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, please do not use our Site. Your continued use of the Site following the postings of changes to this Privacy Policy will be deemed your acceptance of these changes. You acknowledge that this website may contain links to other sites. We reserve the right to monitor your use of the site to determine if you are complying with our terms and the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate your access to the Site.



 Innovative cannot take responsibility for information found on third-party websites outside its control. While we attempt to provide links only to third-party websites that comply with all applicable laws and regulations and our standards, understand that the content on these third-party websites is subject to change without notice to Innovative. We therefore cannot be responsible for, and accept no liability for, any information or opinion contained in any third-party website. As soon as we get notice of infringements on those websites we will remove the respective link.



 We shall maintain complete confidentiality of user data, including manuscript(s) uploaded on this platform. All vendors are contractually obliged to maintain strict confidentiality of user data and have agreed not to disclose such confidential information to unauthorised. Access to the user data is limited to the person who is in charge or required to work on the document. We also assure compliance with applicable laws concerning the protection of personal information and promise to handle customer’s personal information.


Grievance Cell

 Should you have any grievances or complaints in relation to your use of the site, please contact us, at We shall respond to your grievance within 7 days.


Dispute Resolution

 If any arises between you and us in respect of your use of the Site or thereafter, in connection with and arising from your use or attempt to use this Site, such dispute shall be solely resolved by reference to arbitration. The place of arbitration shall be India. The arbitration proceeding shall be in English language.


These terms and conditions are governed by and shall be constructed in accordance with the laws of India and any dispute shall, subject to the arbitration clause specified above. Exclusively be subject to the jurisdiction of the appropriate Courts situated in India.

This policy was updated on 30/12/2023.


Total No of Journals


Published Papers


Manuscript Submission


Articles Downloaded



Medical Abbreviation List